Noxopharm recognises the critical importance of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors in shaping its business practices in the interests of shareholders and other stakeholders.

The company has implemented robust processes to address these aspects across its operations in order to support responsible and sustainable growth.

Environmental Responsibility

Noxopharm conducts thorough supply chain screening to ensure compliance with environmental standards. By doing so, it minimises its ecological footprint, conserves natural resources and contributes to a healthier planet.

Sustainability is at the forefront of Noxopharm’s environmental efforts. The company actively seeks ways to reduce waste, conserve energy and promote eco-friendly practices.

Social Impact

Noxopharm is deeply committed to mitigating diseases and promoting human health. Through its innovative biotechnology solutions, the company aims to improve lives globally.

The company’s diverse international workforce fosters creativity, collaboration, and a rich exchange of ideas. By embracing different perspectives, Noxopharm enhances its social impact.

Notably, women hold 40% of executive roles within Noxopharm, including the CEO position. This commitment to gender diversity not only reflects equality, but also enhances decision-making and organisational effectiveness.

Governance Excellence

Noxopharm adheres to a robust governance framework aligned to ASX requirements. Transparent and ethical practices are fundamental to the company’s operations.

Comprehensive policies and processes cover a wide range of activities, ensuring accountability, risk management and long-term sustainability.

More information on Noxopharm’s corporate governance is available here.