Investor Fact Sheet

Company Name:

Noxopharm Limited (ABN 50 608 966 123)

Business Description:

Noxopharm Limited (ASX: NOX) is an innovative Australian biotech company discovering and developing novel treatments for cancer and inflammation, as well as improving mRNA vaccines.


Noxopharm Limited (NOX) was listed on the Australian Securities Exchange on 9 August 2016
Noxopharm Pty Ltd was incorporated in October 2015.


Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: NOX)

Shares on Issue:

~ 292,237,950 ordinary shares

Board of Directors:

Dr Gisela Mautner (CEO and Managing Director)
Mr Fred Bart (Non-Executive Chair)
Mr Peter Marks (Non-Executive Director and Deputy Chairman)
Mr Boris Patkin (Non-Executive Director) 

Company Secretary:

Mr David Franks

Chief Financial Officer:

Mr Shawn van Boheemen

Share Registry:

Automic Registry Services
Level 5, 126 Phillip Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2000


1300 288 664  (within Australia)
+61 2 9698 5414  (outside Australia)

Registered Office:

Level 5, 126 Phillip Street, Sydney, NSW 2000


Suite 71, 159 Ridgecrop Drive, Castle Hill, NSW 2154


William Buck